Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

The Power of @Twitter

May 8, 2019

After having written thousands of blogs posts in the mid 2000s, its been over five years since I have posted anything here.

If and when I write, I have been “writing” on Twitter.

When I signed up for Twitter in February of 2008, I thought it would be a much better platform for making new contacts than the other social media platforms available at the time which were primarily MySpace, Friendster and Facebook.

After years of building out my Twitter network, my initial thoughts about the potential power of Twitter to connect with the difficult to reach have since proven correct.

Google Eric Schmidt.png

How else could I connect with the CEO of Google let alone have him share my Wall Street Journal tweet with his two million followers?

In this day and age of instant communication, not from a traditional blog post.

Sorry WordPress.

Viral Video And Word Of Mouth Waiting To Happen

February 21, 2011

Its only a matter of time before some enterprising angry consumer takes this Cee-Lo GreenĀ  video and mashes it up to create an unfavorable brand experience statement.

The mashed up brand protest video will then go viral reaching millions of YouTube viewers.

BrandĀ  X will be inserted in the beginning of Cee-Lo’s lyrics.

The resulting viral video may end up producing as much word of mouth as the song did – more than likely though – just the wrong kind of word of mouth.

Whoever Controls Twitter Controls The News

November 12, 2010

Apparently when I posted the above on Nielsen’s blog, it was either expunged or deleted so I will say it again here.!/mattmcgee/status/3142330387275776